vineri, decembrie 18, 2009

Friday Fill-in. #155

Here we go... :>

1. No, we will NOT stay home this weekend while outside is so cool. [literally:))]

2. They used to have sex at the old kitchen table. [:))]

3. I watched the steam rising from the hot cup of coffee (or tea) and thought: Wow! It's like dancing! It's curly!:)) [I've actually studied it a few days ago.=))]

4. If I won't go out this weekend, neither you nor I am going to be okay. [But I guess I already said that.;;)]

5. I'll take care of my little Christmas penguin, when mom will give it back to me. [:((]

6. You shouldn't get upset if I'm too honest, at least from my point of view. [I was planning to say something 'bout going out, but it would've been too much:))]

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to have fun and enjoy with my friends, tomorrow my plans include cleaning my room, which will take my entire day and Sunday, I want to go out, spend time with my friends or with my boyfriend!

See ya!

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